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Showing posts from March, 2023

Dot Peen Marking Services

Dot Peen Marking Services Written by: QBE Edited by: Chelsie Moua, Elise Baumann Disclaimer: *Opinions expressed by the author(s) are their own. We do not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information offered through third-party sources. Dot peen marking, also known as dot marking or dot engraving, is a marking process that creates a series of small, closely spaced dots to form a pattern or text on a surface. This process is commonly used in industrial applications for product identification, traceability, and part tracking. Dot peen marking services offer a durably reliable solution for businesses that need to mark their products with unique identifiers. The dot peen marking process involves an air-powered machine with a stylus that creates a series of small indentations on the surface of the material using bursts of air. There are also electrical powered machines, however, both produce similar engraving. The depth of the inde