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Showing posts from January, 2023

"Why Laser Engraving is the Preferred Choice Over Rotary Engraving"

  Why Laser Engraving is the Preferred Choice Over Rotary Engraving Written by: QBE Edited by: Chelsie Moua Disclaimer: * Opinions expressed by the author(s) are their own. We do not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information offered through third-party sources. Laser engraving is a highly precise and versatile method of marking or cutting a wide range of materials. In comparison to rotary engraving, it offers several key benefits that make it the preferred choice for many applications. One of the main advantages of laser engraving is its precision. Laser beams are incredibly thin, typically only a few micrometers in diameter. This allows for incredibly fine and detailed engravings that are not possible with rotary engraving tools. Additionally, laser engraving is a non-contact process, which means that the material is not physically touched or affected by the engraving process, leading to no material deformation. Another be

Understanding The Difference Between Vector and Bitmap

Understanding The Difference Between Vector and Bitmap Written by: QBE Edited by: Chelsie Moua Disclaimer: * Opinions expressed by the author(s) are their own. We do not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information offered through third-party sources. Vector graphics and bitmap graphics are two different types of images that are used in computer graphics. Understanding the differences between the two can be helpful in determining which type of image is best suited for a particular task. Vector graphics are a series of mathematical equations defining the shapes and lines that make up the image. These equations are used to create points, lines, and curves, which can then be manipulated and modified to create the desired image. Because vector graphics are created using math, they can be resized without losing any quality. This makes them ideal for things like logos and other graphics that may need to be resized or scaled frequent